
What Does E = mc² Have To Do With Medicine?

To begin the quest of answering the question, “What does e = mc², have to do with medicine?”, I’ll, firstly, refer to a dictionary and consider the definition of medicine. From the definition, in my dictionary, I find many different meanings of the word medicine. For example, a meaning of the word “medicine” that I’m not interested in is: “Something that serves as a remedy or corrective i.e., medicine for rebuilding the economy; measures that were harsh medicine.” But, the most used form of the word is exactly what I have in mind.

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Is Memory Reality?

A few days ago I was asked a specific question about a meeting I attended in 2000. I explained exactly what happened in the meeting and was asked the follow-up question: “Was that really what happened?” I immediately answered: “Yes, that’s what I remembered.” Well, just because that’s the way I remember what happened, is that really what happened?

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What Is A Spiritual Feeling?

Have you ever had a spiritual feeling? Most likely, you have, but can you describe it? Well, recently I was faced with trying to find the right vocabulary to describe and identify the spiritual feelings I have had.

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What Are The Most Important Questions Facing Humankind?

Once Albert Einstein was asked, “What is the most important question facing humankind?” Einstein responded by asking the question: “Is the universe a friendly place?”

Hmm…, I think the answer to Einstein’s question is yes.

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What Is Self-Love?

This post has been and is a “work of love,” pun intended. I have had numerous titles for it, but all were asking the question, in one form or another — What is love? As you can see, I finally settled on being specific about a certain kind of love — self-love.

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What’s Wrong With The Mirror’s Reflection?

When you look into the mirror, what do you see? You, of course. What’s wrong with that? Well, nothing necessarily, but using the mirror as a metaphor, what “tense” do you see yourself. What??? Well, I’ll admit that word “tense” is stretching things a little, but what I’m suggesting is when you look at yourself, do you see yourself as you are now, or as the person you can become? In other words, do you generally “see yourself” as the person you are now or as the person you will be in the future?

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Should We Look For Gnu (New) Ways?

Throughout my life and on many different occasions, I’ve heard a reason for doing something stated as: “We always do it this way.” Of course, there’s some merit in doing something because it was proven to work in the past. If we’re familiar with what we have done, then we will have a certain degree of confidence in doing it “like before.” If it has worked in the past, then we readily assume it will work in the present. And, it might!

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Really, Am I Responsible For My Emotions?

In April of 2009, I did a posting entitled, “You Make Me Emote!” In the posting, I declared that each person is responsible for her/his emotions. I have been thinking a lot about that declaration lately. It’s possibly much more complex than I originally thought. In other words, maybe the simplicity of declaring each person is responsible for her/his emotions needs to take into account the many reasons for emoting, along with the imperfection of humanity.

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How Can I Create A Creative Me?

Last year, a close friend and I were walking and she made a comment about wanting to learn how to paint using watercolors. She also said that she has never been able to create a painting that is good. After talking about all of the creative things she wanted to do, but never did, she then summarily stated: “I simply am not creative!”

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Is Tomorrow Forever?

Recently, I watched the movie, “Tomorrow Is Forever” starring Orson Welles and Claudette Colbert. It’s a film that was originally released in 1946. Even though I have seen it many times before, I watched it again because – it starred an actor I’ve always enjoyed, Orson Welles, AND my curiosity about the title.

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