Can You Imagine Not Having An Imagination?

Imagine Having No Imagination!

Imagine Having No Imagination!

Do you have an imagination? Of course you do! Isn’t an imagination as fundamental to a human being as breathing? How could we possibly do any planning without using our imagination(s)? How could we think about the future without using our imagination(s)? We all use our imagination(s) regularly and often times, subconsciously. We sometimes refer to imagination by other names that describe the “kind of imagining” we are doing, such as: day-dreaming, wondering, visualizing, imaging, picturing, supposing, etc….

I'm Looking For My Imagination!

I’m Looking For My Imagination!

So, how do you use your imagination? Are you using it to help you get the results you want in the future? If not, why not? I think we should use an active imagination to help us live a fulfilling and complete life. Imagining or visualizing the future we want, helps us set a life journey that leads down the path of our desired future. Otherwise, we end up at the mercy of luck or chance. I don’t know about you, but I’m not very lucky when it comes to life endeavors involving chance.

What about the title to this posting? Can you imagine not having an imagination? Of course not. If you imagine then you have an imagination. If you don’t have an imagination, then you can’t imagine! The question we should be asking ourselves is, “how can we use our imagination to help us get the results we want for the future?”

I'll Just Visualize My Imagination:-)

I’ll Just Visualize My Imagination:-)

High-performance athletes have been using this for a long time. They often imagine or visualize the result they desire before attempting it. This, of course, is not only for athletes. If anyone wants to improve in any endeavor, then using the imagination to visualize the outcome is a proven approach to increasing the rate of success. Visualization techniques are not hard to learn. In fact, you already use them when you use your imagination. The important thing is to have conscious control over your imagination and visualization.

When I try to imagine that I don’t have an imagination, I “see” a confused and mindless person. What do you see?


3 Comments on “Can You Imagine Not Having An Imagination?”

  1. I imagine it would be a very dull existence… Or would it? How would an ant with a very eventful and adventurous life feel about my saying it’s existence is dull simply because it can’t imagine? (I would assume an ant has no imagination…)


  2. Hello future novelist,

    Thanks for your comment.

    I agree that without an imagination my existence would be dull. Of course, I can’t imagine not having an imagination since, if I imagine not having one then by nature of imagining such, I have one! :-)

    Regarding ants, I have no idea, but I do know my aunt has one. :-)


  3. sure you can’t imagine that you lack an imagination…but you can understand that you lack an imagination…:/


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